Tuesday, March 13, 2007

campus journ

Campus journalism should not just focus on the issues inside the campus but as well as on issues concerning different people outside the campus that would definitely affect the students

Campus journalism should not just focus on the issues inside the campus but as well as on issues concerning different people outside the campus that would definitely affect the students. This is the main concern of the colloquium held last March 6 at the Proffesional School building.

The primary role of campus newspapers is to update the students regarding the present situations in the campus. These situations are not just limited within the corners of the campus. There are a lot of issues that students are not even aware of because of the lack of information. But the problems arise when these issues are already presented but then students could not still recognize the problem because critical thinking is lacking.

Another issue concerning campus journalism is the lack of freedom of speech. We should know that campus newspapers are funded by us, the students, and that we do have the right to express our thoughts and opinions regarding the campus’ problems/issues (with corresponding responsibility OF COURSE). As students, if we know about our rights, we should also know our limitations and our responsibilities.
It’s not just a matter of directly shouting out what’s not good. During the colloquium, we’ve learned that there are ways on how we could bring out/present issues in an imperceptible way. It's actually just a matter of "critical thinking".

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